- Specialization area
Fertigungstechnik keramischer Bauteile, Verbundwerkstoffe u. Oberflächentechnik
- Professor
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. h.c. mult. Rainer Gadow
- Information
- Plan overview
At the Secretariat of the IMTCCC (2nd floor)
Questions concerning the content of the lectures or the exams must be directly addressed to the assistants of the lecture assistants.
If the specialization area "Fertigungstechnik keramischer Bauteile, Verbundwerkstoffe und Oberflächentechnik" is chosen, the participation in the following modules is required:
- Grundlagen der Keramik und Verbundwerkstoffe
- Fertigungsverfahren Faser- und Schichtverbundwerkstoffe
These modules can be achieved either as a core or supplementary subject, as a compulsory module in the relevant group, or in the previous B.Sc. studies as compulsory elective field (Kompetenzfeld).
The following combinations of modules can not be selected:
- "Thermokinetische Beschichtungsverfahren“ and „Oberflächen- und Beschichtungstechnik“
- „Neue Werkstoffe und Verfahren in der Fertigungstechnik“ and „Thermokinetische Beschichtungsverfahren“
- „Neue Werkstoffe und Verfahren in der Fertigungstechnik“ and „Werkstoffe und Fertigungstechnik technischer Kohlenstoffe“
Exam registration
The examination dates of written examinations in compulsory modules offered by the IMTCCC are announced by the Examination Office.
Exam registration of specialization subjects:
The examinations of the modules offered by the IMTCCC within the framework of the specialization course (except Total Quality Management) are held verbally and must be registered in the LSF/C@mpus and additionally by e-mail to the contact person within the examination registration period!
The dates of the oral examinations are announced individually, by email.
The examination deadline and location of the module "Total Quality Management (TQM) und unternehmerisches Handeln" (also SQ) is announced by the Examination Office.
Module container Core / Supplementary Subjects with 6 credits
Core Subjects
Module no. (LSF): 13040
Lecturer: Gadow
Duration: 2 semester
Cycle: WS/SS, SS/WS
Weekly lecture hours: 4
Module no. (LSF): 32500
Lecturer: Kern / Killinger
Duration: 1 or 2 semesters
Cycle: WS + SS
Weekly lecture hours: 4
Supplementary Subjects with 6 CP
Lecturer: Gadow / Killinger / Tiedje
Duration: 2 semesters
Cycle: WS/SS, SS/WS
Weekly lecture hours: 4
Lecturer: Binz
Duration: 2 semesters
Cycle: WS/SS
Weekly lecture hours: 4
Lecturer: Graf
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: SS
Weekly lecture hours: 4
Lecturer: Heisel
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: WS
Weekly lecture hours: 4
Lecturer: Roos
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: WS
Weekly lecture hours: 4
Lecturer: Roos
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: SS
Weekly lecture hours: 4
Lecturer: Schinköthe
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: WS
Weekly lecture hours: 4
Lecturer: Schmauder
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: SS
Weekly lecture hours: 4
Lecturer: Verl
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: SS
Weekly lecture hours: 4
Module container Supplementary Subjects with 3 credits
Module No. (LSF): 32520
Lecturer: Kern
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: WS+SS
Weekly lecture hours: 2
Module No. (LSF): 32110
Lecturer: Killinger
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: WS
Weekly lecture hours: 2
Modul No. (LSF): 32530
Lecturer: Gadow
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: WS+SS
Weekly lecture hours: 2
Modul No. (LSF): 32540
Lecturer: Rothmund
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: WS
Weekly lecture hours: 2
Laboratory with 3 credits
- Praktikum Fertigungstechnik keramischer Bauteile, Verbundwerkstoffe u. Oberflächentechnik
Module No. (LSF): 32550
Lecturer: Gadow / Killinger / Kern
Duration: 1 semester
Cycle: WS+SS (four laboratory sessions are offered every semester)
- Legend
- WS (is offered only in WS),
- SS (is offered only in SS),
- WS/SS (2 semester module, starting in WS),
- SS/WS (2 semester module, starting in SS),
- WS+SS (it can be started in WS and in SS)

Christian Semmler
M.Sc.Programme Manager M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering / Materials and Production Engineering
Scientific employee
Academic coordinator