For current topics, please contact the heads of department directly:
- Composites: M.Sc. Felix Ott
- High Performance Ceramics: apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Frank Kern
- Surface technology and laminates: apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Killinger
Alternatively, you can be placed on the general waiting list (Lukas Dufner).
Depending on the study programme and examination regulations, various conditions apply which must be fulfilled before the start of a Bachelor's or Master's thesis. This includes, for example, a minimum number of credit points already fulfilled or the existence of all conditions. Please inform yourself independently in advance.
Here you will find all current examination regulations of the University of Stuttgart.
On this page of the University of Stuttgart you will find all necessary information. Application forms for a Bachelor's or Master's thesis are now available via your own C@mpus account and no longer need to be approved by the examinations office.
Before you submit your form to the examination office, please submit it to Lukas Dufner.
All students working on a project have to attend at least 9 times our Thursdays-Colloquium. Following, please hand the certificate to Lukas Dufner.
Here you can download the form for the certificate of attendance.
To get an appointment for your final presentation please contact Lukas Dufner.
Contact person
Andreas Killinger
apl. Prof. Dr. rer. nat.Kommissarischer Institutsleiter
Abteilungsleiter Oberflächentechnik und Schichtverbunde